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Nonviolent Action Strategy Planning

“Sample Agenda for a Strategy Workshop”

3 pages. This paper presents detailed agendas for a 5-hour workshop on strategic planning for nonviolent direct action. It includes presentations (based on the notes listed below) and participatory exercises. It also lists alternative agendas for shorter workshops.

“Basics of Strategic Campaign Planning”

1 page. These notes outline the basics of planning a strategic campaign.

“Notes on Strategic Planning”

2 pages. These notes outline many important ideas about planning for nonviolent action to bring about change. Topics include: Why Strategy is Important; Five Levels of Strategic Planning (policy, operational planning, strategy, tactics, logistics); and a Bibliography.

“Effective Nonviolent Action”

2 pages. This paper outlines ways to make nonviolent action most effective.

“Well-Designed Strategic Nonviolent Actions”

3 pages. This paper lists the components of well-designed strategic nonviolent actions — actions that effectively challenge the power elite by building a massive movement of people who withdraw their cooperation from and resist the elite — and contrast these actions with poorly-conceived actions.

“Preparing for a Change Campaign”

1 page. This paper lists seven steps to prepare for a progressive change campaign.

“Steps in a Nonviolent Campaign”

1 page. This paper lists six steps in a nonviolent campaign. Prepared by the International Fellowship of Reconciliation.

“The Dynamics of a Direct Action Campaign”

2 pages. Diagram that shows how a group can bring about change through a nonviolent action campaign. This diagram is based on Allan Cummings, “How Nonviolence Works.”

“Bringing about Change”

1 page. This paper shows two ways to think about addressing supporters, opponents, and those in between.

“Action Proposals”

2 pages. This paper describes how to write a proposal for nonviolent action.

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Key Papers on Other Websites

“How Nonviolence Works” and “Understanding Nonviolence”

These pamphlets explain the basics and dynamics of nonviolenct action.

Strategy Exercises

A variety of group activities for developing a strategy.

“The Movement Action Plan: A Strategic Framework Describing the Eight Stages of Successful Social Movements”

A useful framework for understanding social movements and four important roles for activists.

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