Inciting Democracy
A Practical Proposal for Creating a Good Society
How we can develop and sustain
a powerful, grassroots social change movement
by Randy Schutt
Table of Contents
To read the text, click on a heading (below or in the menu to the left) which will take you directly to a chapter or subsection. A good place to start: the Preface.
- Why I Wrote This Book
- A Vision
- The Structure of This Book
- The Focus on the United States
- A Note on Usage
- Join the Dialog
- Notes
- The Impetus for This Project
- Perhaps the Times Just Aren’t Ripe for Change
- Is It Even Possible?
- Reasons for Hope
- So What Are We Doing Wrong?
- Notes
Chapter 2: Elements of A Good Society
- Basic Elements of a Good Society
- Additional Characteristics of a Good Society
- Not Paradise
- A Comprehensive Mix of Four Components
- Examples of a Good Society
- Making This Vision Possible
- Notes
Chapter 3: Obstacles to Progressive Change
- Misguided Criticisms
- Obstacle 1: Adverse Power Structure
- Obstacle 2: Destructive Cultural Conditioning
- Obstacle 3: Dysfunctional Emotional Conditioning
- Obstacle 4: Widespread Ignorance
- Obstacle 5: Scarcity of Progressive Resources
- Overcoming these Five Obstacles
- Notes
Chapter 4: Elements of an Effective Strategy for Democratic Transformation
- Some Strategies of the Past
- Crucial Characteristics of Fundamental Change Efforts
- A Strategy for Democratic Transformation
- Mass Education and Powerful Social Change Movements
- Six Essential Components of an Effective Strategy
- An Effective Strategy that Incorporates these Components
- Notes
Chapter 5: A Strategic Program to Create a Good Society
- A Strategic Program
- Overlapping Stages
- Leadership Roles for Each Stage
- Tiered Structure
- If Not Now, When?
- Strong Enough?
- Nonviolent Struggle
- Summing Up
- Notes
Chapter 6: The Vernal Education Project
- Design Criteria for the Vernal Education Program
- Overview of the Vernal Education Program and Network
- Details of the Vernal Education Program
- A Vernal Student’s Time
- A Possible Vernal Curriculum
- Vernal Staffmembers
- Vernal Students
- The Vernal Education Network
- The Growth of the Vernal Education Network
- Vernal Project Finances
- Meeting the Design Criteria
- Other Educational Programs
- Carrying Out Stage 1 of the Strategic Program
- Notes
Chapter 7: Building a Powerful, Democratic Social Change Movement
- About Vernal Graduates
- The Total Number of Very Active and Less Active Graduates
- The Influence of Vernal Activists
- Vernal Activists’ Focus of Activity
- The Distribution and Tasks of Vernal Activists
- Creating Cooperative Activist Communities
- The Overall Contribution of Vernal Activists
- Realizing Stage 2 of the Strategic Program
- Notes
Chapter 8: Melissa’s Story: A Tale Illustrating Some Aspects of the Vernal Education Project
- A Bad Meeting Gets Better
- An Emotional Snag
- Melissa’s Revelation
- A Beautiful Vision
- Things Go Better with Good Support
- Powerfully Challenging Oppression
- Building a Broad Alliance
Chapter 9: Transforming Society
Chapter 10: Implementing the Vernal Project
- Five Phases
- Development Phase D1: Conceptualize, Plan, and Generate Interest
- Development Phase D2: Develop and Test the Curriculum
- Phase 1: Launch the First Vernal Center and Prepare for Expansion
- Phase 2: Replicate the Vernal Center across the United States
- Phase 3: Maintain at a Stable Level, Then Evaluate and End
- A Note on Speed
- Next Steps: Launching the Vernal Project
- Summing Up
Chapter 11: Some Objections and Concerns
- Summary
- Questions and Concerns
- Is It Possible to Create a Good Society?
- Is Democracy Possible and Desirable?
- Are the Five Obstacles Enumerated the Real Obstacles to Positive Change?
- Is This the Right Strategy for Change?
- Would the Vernal Project Distort Progressive Change Movements?
- Will This Strategy Take Too Long?
- What About…?
- Still…
- Notes
- Books and Articles
- Visions of a Good Society
- Critiques of Society
- Social Change History
- Methods of Changing Society
- Theory and Analysis
- Simple Living
- Overcoming Destructive Cultural Norms
- Overcoming Dysfunctional Emotional Conditioning
- Education
- Persuasion and Lobbying
- Building Social Change Movements
- Community Organizing
- Organizing Manuals and Handbooks
- Action Handbooks
- Nonviolent Struggle
- Building Social Change Organizations
- Cooperative Decision-Making
- Building Activist Finances
- Other
- Other Cited Works
- Book Publishers
- Magazines
- Radio Programs
- Web Sites
- Notes
Appendix A: Some Positive Near-Term Policy Changes
- Steps Toward a Good Society
- Elections
- Citizen Access to Information
- Employment and Poverty
- Personal Income Taxes
- Corporate Taxes and Subsidies
- Other Taxes
- Defense
- Conflict Resolution
- Corporate Accountability
- International Agreements
- Unions
- Banking
- Housing
- News Media
- Childrearing Assistance
- Childcare
- Education
- Health Care
- Environment
- Discrimination
- Community Development
- Domestic Violence
- Gun Control
- Conversion
- Drug Policy
- Law Enforcement and Prisons
- Notes
Appendix B: Additional Figures (Associated with Chapter 6)
- Vernal Workshops
- Vernal Program Time Allocation
- Vernal Staffmember Time Allocation
- Vernal Program Tuition
- Vernal Regions and Centers
- Vernal Center Replication
- Number of Vernal Staffmembers
Appendix C: Even More Figures (Associated with Chapters 7 and 9)
- The Number of Vernal Graduates
- Amount of Effort Directed toward Fundamental Progressive Change
- Current Efforts
- Supplemental Gain Provided by Vernal Activists
- Monetary Contributions of Additional Progressive Advocates
- How Population Turnover Can Accelerate Change
- Population Turnover
- General Effect of Progressive Movements
- Specific Numbers
- Influence on Various Age Cohorts
- Notes
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